The Gonads The Testes Structure of the Testes and Male Reproductive Tract Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Testicular Axis Androgen Physiology Spermatogenesis and Testicular Function Hormonal Therapy for Testicular Disorders Assessment of Testicular Function Testicular Disorders and Fetal Development Klinefelter's Syndrome and its Variants Embryonic Testicular Regression Male Psuedohermaphroditism Adult Disorders of Testicular Function Histology of Testicular Disorders Testicular Disorders of Old Age Disorders of All Ages The Ovary Physiology of the Ovary Folliculogenesis and Ovulation Signalling Systems in Ovarian Physiology Hormone Production by the Ovary The Menopause Disturbances of Ovarian Hormone Production Development of the Gonad Development of the Sexual Apparatus Puberty Physical Changes of Puberty Secondary Sexual Characteristics – Boys Secondary Sexual Characteristics – Girls Endocrine Changes of Puberty Sexual Precocity Complete Precocious Puberty Incomplete Isosexual Precocity Variations in Pubertal Development Diagnosis of Sexual Precocity Treatment of Sexual Precocity Delayed Puberty Constitutional Delay in Growth and Puberty Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism Hypergonadotrophic Hypogonadism Diagnosis of Delayed Puberty Treatment of Delayed Puberty